Don't get me wrong, I would have accepted more, but eight is plenty. This also makes for the second litter of eight in the rescue, the other is 6 weeks old today.
Right now it's easy, I just change out bedding and keep Maya supplied with water and kibble. I'm sure this place will be a nut house once they're mobile. In fact, I know.
I think I've decided on names for all of them, just going to wait a bit before I decide who is who and announcing them all. That, and I need to be able to distinguish them all from each other, right now they're really just 4 white and 4 black pups. Bonus points because both girls are black.
As for the birthing process, Maya was a champ, super attentive, conscientious of her feet when moving, and she did everything herself. All I really did was offer water, rub down pups, and figure out who had what for body parts.
Every once in a while, I'll check in and a pup is wedged in behind her, blissfully sleeping. But everyone appears heathy and is happy. Least until one of my dogs dares to look through the baby gate at her or the pups. Then Maya is all curled lips and bared teeth. Normal, I know.
One day old, July 2, 2012.